Monday, February 17, 2014

An Exciting Return

It’s that time of year again.  In just 10 short days, I will be heading back to Lesotho with my good friend and BLOOM Deputy Director, William Thomas.  This will be the third year we have gone back to Lesotho to continue building strong, life-long relationships with our friends and partners.  But, this year is different than the last few years in a big way.  We are bringing 6 volunteers with us.

This year is the inaugural BLOOM Voluntour, where 6 volunteers will join us on an amazing journey of self-discovery and transformative experiences.  The volunteers are as diverse as the beautiful mountain ranges in Lesotho.  Three volunteers will join us from Chicago, one from Dallas, one from Cincinnati and one from sunny Santa Monica.  You have already met two of the volunteers on this blog, (Laura and Sarah) and you’ll meet the rest of the gang on this blog and on our social media.  On February 28, we will all depart from Chicago’s O’Hare airport towards our welcoming hosts and friends in Lesotho and South Africa. 

After we settle in for the night after our long flight, we will travel to Lesotho with a stop in Bloemfontein.  We will be having a South African braai with the Monamas, my host family during my time in South Africa, and others in the community.  After our fill, we will head east and cross into Lesotho through the Maseru Bridge border gate. 

We will be spending 5 days in Lesotho, mainly in the Roma and Ramabanta communities.  In Roma, we will volunteer at Leratong Community Centre, meet members of the community and hike to see dinosaur footprints.  We’ll spend a day in Thaba Bosiu, the mountain range where the Lesotho kingdom was born.  There, we will meet with partners who BLOOM Africa has funded, and hike up the famous mountain where King Moshoeshoe defended the Basotho nation against all intruders.  We will then trek high up into the mountains until we reach the tranquil village of Ramabanta.  The volunteers will enjoy an afternoon of pony trekking where they will see cave paintings dating back thousands of years.  We’ll also meet with women in the community who have been making scarves and hats in the Center where BLOOM is expanding its work. 

After our time in Lesotho, we will head to the world famous Kruger National Park in South Africa, where we will spend 3 days on safari.  There, we will have the chance to spot the big 5 (Elephant, Lion, Rhino, Leopard, Water Buffalo), as well as embark on some exciting activities and adventures.  Our visit will conclude with a visit to the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg, one of the most powerful museum experiences one can endure.  And on March 10, we will return to our homes, changed and transformed forever.

I’ve often been asked what I’m most looking forward to about this upcoming visit.  I honestly have to say that it’s the opportunity to introduce Lesotho and South Africa to 6 fantastic folks.  To see their faces when they see the sun set behind the majestic Maluti Mountains.  To hear their laughter when talking  with the children at the Community Center.  To touch their hands as we walk together with our partners and learn more about Basotho culture.  To taste new foods with them that they have never had.  To see their expressions when they hear their first Lion roar in the distance deep in the bush.

And like last year, we will be blogging our experiences right here.  Follow us on our journey, and I hope you can join us next year!

With great anticipation,


1 comment:

  1. This is great stuff i wish i could join this amazing team and experience in my own motherland.Good work indeed Andrew
