Monday, February 4, 2013

A Trip That Changed Me

Hello to all!

First and foremost, my name is Nikki Georgeson and I am proud to say that I am an incoming intern at Bloom Africa. I have just recently returned from my first trip to Lesotho and I can confidently say that it has, and will be, one of the most timeless and touching moments I’ve witnessed. When I returned, I viewed the world through a different set of eyes. Being exposed to a different way of life has opened so many new ideas, questions, and goals. Being an international studies major along with a spanish and sociology minor at Wittenberg University, I always dreamed about going on adventures such as this one. However, how I dreamed of it, is nothing like how I experienced it. It was more than I expected.

             The beauty of the trees and the laughter of the people left me memorized. I was more than proud of the projects we accomplished with the Basotho people and it was amazing learning and spending time with the kids that surrounded us. We began the process of building two homes, built playgrounds, planted frui t trees, and other smaller projects throughout the areas of Maseru, Ramabanta, and Roma. I call it an accomplishment not because we completed each task, but because of the smiles that we received from the Basotho people as a result. The fact that we did it together meant everything. I stopped and I realized that this was proof that if people came together, great things can happen. That is why I am thrilled to be a part of Bloom Africa. This organization is an opportunity for me to progress with those who have the similar belief of working together to perform life changing projects in the country of Lesotho.

             The Basotho people taught me a new way of life and a different definition of humanity. Throughout my trip, I learned so much about myself by just simply interacting with people and it is something I wish to continue during my internship and college experience. Bloom Africa is a movement that gives me the chance to not only stay connected, but to work with a great team in order to aid and assist those in Lesotho.

-Nikki Georgeson

Nikki is serving as Bloom Africa's Social Media Intern and is currently a student at Wittenberg University.

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